Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remedy for Economic Cataclism

The Great Dame Recommends:
One of these

plus this

plus a glass or three from this

A very sobering conversation earlier this week with an architect, a conversation about the dire state of the economy as of this week, a conversation about just what all this may mean for designers like us, had me heading straight for the biggest bar of medicinal dark chocolate I could get my hands on. No one quite knows what all this will do to our industry, but everyone agrees that it's looking like a bumpy ride.

For the record, the chick lit book and the wine came much later, after work, once I got home.
I swear. And it's taken Smithy and me two days to work through the giant candy bar.

None of the above is likely to fix anything, or make the economy better, but a little comforting couldn't hurt right about now.

For what it's worth, the Crusie book is a blast: it has backstabbing Southern belles, hitmen (plural), a mafia princess or two, assault by frying pan, a fixer-upper mansion, and wild flamingos. Pure escapism gold.

I'm thinking of doing more of the same this weekend.


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Ha! I love your recommendations for the bumpy road ahead. They all sound good to me. I haven't read a Crusie book for awhile and hadn't heard of this one, so I'll have to check it out. I actually went to a writing seminar that Crusie led once and she was fabulous.

Dark chocolate and caramel is one of my absolute favorite combinations. Yum. Wish I had a bag of those sitting on my desk right now! -Julia :-)

The Woodshedder said...

Hi Julia. Yeah, personally, I think that even though chocolate doesn't exactly 'solve' things, it sure can put you in a better frame of mind to approach the problem. At least that's what I tell myself. ;-)

I bet the writing seminar with Jennifer Crusie was great, and I bet she'd be a fun speaker. She has an interesting background as far as how she came to write romance/chick lit books. If you like her books in general, then you'll probably like this one a lot - the main character calls herself Cranky Agnes, and there's some great, comic banter between characters. Lots of fun!

Ream O Rama said...

Hmm, I'd say you were doing an admirable job of supporting the domestic (wine and Crusie) and global economy (Ghirardelli). Very noble of you to step up and do your part.
I have been diligent in assisting US dairy farmers (Ben and Jerry's) and pouring a lot of hard earned $$$ into corporate America; hence the latest Disney trip....resulting in gaining pounds and being broke which now force me to renew my nearly expired gym membership and...wait for it...walking (shudder) to the gym, thereby saving gas. Of course once I get home from the gym, I am hot, sweaty and calorie deprived thus I need something...say like Chunky Monkey or Phish Food.
Just doing my part for the greater good.

The Woodshedder said...

So, we're all doing our part - perfect!! I like the way you look at things. I'd like to think that when people are talking about cutting back on unnecessary expenses these days, that chocolate, wine, and books are excluded.

And, wow, walking to the gym?! You go girl.

Miss Janey said...

Actually, it sounds like a way to spend the next month.

ArchitectDesign™ said...

That sounds like the best solution to the financial crisis that I've heard so far!